1-800-NoCuffs had been doing direct response TV, Radio and Print marketing since it's inception with much success, but the founder, Darren Kavinoky (a TV personality on his own) was looking for a new way to connect with their audience that would be more engaging, socially sticky, and fun that the work they had done in the past. 

We partnered with him to create an entirely new product, the De-Alcohol-Orizer™ - which uses space age technology to completely neutralize any Alcohol or other drugs in your system, instantly! Sound too good to be true? 


We launched The De-Alcohol-Orizer ahead of the campaign as a real product, through Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter, all leading to the website where consumers could learn about the amazing tech behind the De-Alcohol-Orizer and sign up to be one of the first to buy it. 

And to further cement the legitimacy of the product, Marc Schechter, the influencer behind @pizzaman_420, conducted his own test and review to his followers posing the question, “Does the De-Alcohol-Orizer actually work?”


The following week, the TV, Radio and second wave of social launched. And the De-Alcohol-Orizer pre-order list topped 10k and is still climbing.